Moment of Inertia

This project is a personal journey that unfolds through maps, found objects, and symbolic elements. It is a journey to the natural state of being that precariously walks on a tight rope, dodging between desire and expectations. It is the inertia of following a pre-established path, dwelling in a circle, clinging to floating memories and places of not belonging.
Familiar spaces are represented by the constant dichotomy between inward and outward, past, and present, imaginary and reality. There is a nostalgic desire to evoke the lost chance of happiness, in an urban environment made of imperfections and illusions.
Familiar spaces are represented by the constant dichotomy between inward and outward, past, and present, imaginary and reality. There is a nostalgic desire to evoke the lost chance of happiness, in an urban environment made of imperfections and illusions.